Posts Tagged ‘food’

*I made some more Christmas stuff. Fortunately for me, I have friends that drink way more than I do so I was able to get some bottles donated. The cocoa recipe I used can be found here:, I Just altered it a bit depending on the size of the bottle I was using. Now, for some simple instructions:*

1. See my previous post.
2. I made some more stuff with liquor bottles.
3. It’s pretty awesome
4. I’m tempted to use the q word right now, but I can’t bring myself to do it. (I’m on clinicals again tonight, and it’s slower than molasses times a million.)

*Here it is*


Done with various liquor bottles



During review week, I reviewed stuff!!!! There was Chris Big Money’s new album Money Beats, the video for “All Your Money Are Belong To Me”, my nutrition project, that broccoli and cheese soup I had at school and a bunch of nothing in between  (I got a little busy, and then tired, then lazy.) And now, some shameless promotion: Buy the album, watch the video, get the soup and do your homework.

Now that Thanksgiving is done with, we all get to start focusing on Christmas. This year has been driving me crazy. It’s my first anything being married, and for some reason that added a bit of stress to it. Luckily, my husband is ridiculously creative, so we figured it out in a matter of a day. I was going to go out shopping today, but he convinced me otherwise. Oh, about that random idea I had…

I decided for next week to add a random thoughts from my husband bit to each post. He’s a smart man and he’s afraid to say things that other people wouldn’t dare think of.

That is all. Here’s a picture of my son trying to make his own sandwich:

the little stinker trying to be independent

This kid is growing up fast



It’s cute, it’s furry, and it might just kick your ass

Guess it yet? No? Fine… I’ll tell you. IT’S A BRAND NEW MUSIC VIDEO!

Chris Big Money made a video, and it’s quite interesting. There’s comedy, big hair, a ninja, beer, some old school kung fu and a kitty. Two kitties actually.

The video, for the song “All Your Money Are Belong To Me“,  tells the story of Yen Shampoo and his battle with Var the Ninja. Yen is mourning the loss of his clan brothers, and later learns that Var the Ninja was responsible. Yen Shampoo travels, trains, then comes home to his own backyard to battle Var.

At one point a board breaks, Yen gives himself splinters and  it looks like the battle is over. Var wins… or so you think. *Cue beer (err… magic elixir that conveniently happens to be in the yard).* The young Yen Shampoo wins, his clan is avenged, and him and his afro get to go home in one piece.

No cats, dogs, or cans of beer were harmed in the making of this video.

Spotify link: Chris Big Money – Money Beats
Word Press blog:
Chri$ Big Money website:

I’m writing a review on my own project. It’s not the way I presented it really, but the topic I ended up with that I thought was awesome. I had a nutrition term paper and presentation to do, and I picked nutrition for toddlers. I figured since I have a toddler aged child, it would be an interesting topic. I found quite a bit of information that shocked the hell out of me.

The class was given complete creative control over presentations. We were told to pick whatever nutrition related topic we wanted. I wanted to do nutritional disorders, but what I ended up finding was a lot of info on eating disorders. I was totally amazed at the things I found doing research. Children as young as 4 can start to develop emotional issues that contribute to their eating habits.

What I put together was a power point, a handout with some info on the two disorders I focused on, and snacks :-). I had some info about basic nutritional needs, the disorders, and tips on handling picky eaters. I used some pictures of my own son, and the snack I had people make was ants on a log. If you’ve never had it, it consists of celery, peanut butter and raisins. That’s a hell of a lot better than bacon mac and cheese pie, or going to mc donalds all the time.

As for the project itself, I absolutely loved it. We had people do presentations on fad diets, being vegan, child hood obesity, heart disease, and a number of other things. The one that really stood out was on an eye disease, and I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called. This should definitely stay part of the class. Everyone learned a lot today, me included.


First, I apologize for not having a review yesterday. Being a medical student, you get really tired sometimes and all you want to talk about are all the weird things you see on clinicals.

Anyway, today’s review is on the restaurant at my college. Inside the student lounge, we have a little place called food for thought. They have pretty decent hours (8 A.M. – 7 P.M.) and different lunch specials everyday. They’ve also got lots and lots of awesome sweet stuff. Cappuccino is pretty decent too.

The place came to us via Ritter‘s frozen custard. IU East was asked about putting on there, and IU said no. Ivy Tech Richmond said they would try it, and the place has been a really big hit so far. The prices definitely help, and specials are even cheaper.  One of today’s specials was broccoli and cheese soup for $1.25, and my God that was the best broccoli and cheese soup I’ve had in ages.

There have been quite a few times I’ve had this kind of soup and it was too watery, way too thick, wasn’t warm at all or I had to season it with salt and pepper after being served. This one tasted just the way I like it; like a bowl of broccoli and melted cheese ^_^. I’d love to know what type of cheese they used, because it was probably one of the best cheddar cheeses I’ve tasted recently. I highly recommend the place. Everything I’ve had from there was great :-).

Ivy Tech students, you can get a list of specials for the week by logging into your campus connect account, and looking through the announcements.


Today was like every other day, in that it had its ups and downs.

Up – got some stuff done this morning, played pharmacology baseball (awesome study tool by the way), had a great lunch and did some zumba for the first time ever. Had a lot of fun.

Down – I almost walked out of my EMT class. My instructor asked me if I needed to go snoke a cigarette for fuck’s sake.
Before we got started, people were chit chatting and ranting a bit. Someone suggested that people boycot welfare. Every person that gets government help in any form is apparently lazy as they can be. They all don’t want to do shit with themselves but sit and collect free stuff.

This brings me back to my whole people need to educate themselves thing. If everyone only knew what life on welfare was like, and what you go through to get help and keep it, I believe they’d change their minds on a few things.

Take it from someone who has been there. It’s not easy, free, or anything of the sort. Research the rules for your state…. I’m in Indiana if you’d like to look up mine.

Yes, there are peolple that lie, cheat and abuse the system. We don’t have enough manpower to catch everyone doing it. I wish we did. I’m all for requiring drug testing to get welfare, and don’t understand why more states aren’t doing it.

I’m still having a hard time believing I got that offended. It doesn’t happen often. On a lighter note, I’m going to finish watching this comedy special. Rodney Carrington is hillarious.