Posts Tagged ‘politics’

*See last post, otherwise you won’t get the title*

I get to be at home with my family tonight, because unlike some, I’m not dead. The same obviously can’t be said for everyone (duh). Now here’s my problem:

Indianapolis recently lost two very young men in EMS. It was the first time a line of duty EMS death happened for Indy. They were in an accident with one other vehicle, the driver of that car is fine.

What I’ve read so far is that the ambulance was speeding, and so was the other driver. All that crew was guilty of is driving fast when they were not on an urgent call. The girl driving the car that struck them however was speeding, had been drinking, and was paying attention to a gps instead of the road.

I feel that if the tables were turned, Tim and Cody both would’ve been jobless at the very least and the city would have been sued until it couldn’t be sued anymore. Their families will never lay eyes on them again, they don’t get to go back to work, they can no longer do what they loved to do. Despite what some may think and act like, EMS is a public service that doesn’t pay anywhere near well enough, and the people who work in this field do it because it’s what they love.

This girl’s BAC wasn’t half the legal limit, so no drunk driving charge. There’s nothing being put against her aside from a citation for running a red light as a matter of fact. Anyone else in this situation would be in jail awaiting a manslaughter conviction. Had she hit a police officer, they’d do everything they could short of executing her.

There was a case in 2009 where it was apparently ruled that running a red light is not considered reckless under Indiana law. WHAT THE FUCK INDIANA!?! Had she been the one that died, things would be different, and nobody better dare try to tell me otherwise. You all know I’m right.

There is a very blatant lack of respect for EMS, and it needs to stop. Drinking is not the only issue here. Two very skilled men with IEMS lost their lives, and nothing is being done.

I am absolutely shocked. Legally drunk or not, she was under the influence. She also admitted to something that falls under reckless driving, but no charge. All she gets is a traffic citation…..

It’s scary to think that this could be me one day. If it is, my husband and my son will have to go through hell to see justice, and I don’t want that for them. It’s just not right…


A. The amount of homework I have
B. Women
C. Prisons
D. Welfare
E. Line of duty death in EMS
F. Parenting
G. DHL and how horrible they seem to be

That’s all for now.

I took my son out for a happy meal yesterday, and caught CNN on the way out (at least I believe it was CNN). They were showing footage of a service for one of the officers killed by Chris Dorner. In thinking about it, that news cast sparked an opinion, which I’m posting later tonight. I’d do it now but my phone is almost dead and I’m typing this via word press for android.


Thank you to my friend Anthony for inspiring my title. He wanted to cover all the bases, just in case the world really does end.

Here’s that opinion I said I’d give the other day: Whiskey tango foxtrot?

Sandy Hook – That’s got to be one of the most god awful things I’ve ever heard about a person doing. I had just taken my son to see his new school and get him signed up when I heard about it. I mean.. who would shoot up an elementary school of all places? I believe that Adam Lanza was deeply disturbed, and needed more help than what he had; if he even had any to begin with. I also believe that nobody will ever really know all the whats and whys of that situation, because unless you see shit for yourself, how can you? Now for the opinionated part: as horrible and tragic as this was, I don’t feel a weapons ban will solve a fucking thing. The gun did not commit the crime, the person committed the crime with a gun.

Connecticut has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, and those laws didn’t prevent this man from killing innocent children. No law has ever prevented a person from committing a crime of any kind. The only thing I feel is broken in the system as far as guns are concerned is that things change depending on what state you’re in. Like here in Indiana for instance, someone with ‘crazy papers’ as a friend of mine called them, can still get a gun believe it or not, but just isn’t allowed to carry. You can also purchase at 18, but can’t carry until 21. There are loopholes out the ass, and those loopholes don’t need to be there. Then again, crazy or not, someone could just up and decide to shoot me if they want to. I don’t know because life is just like that, nobody knows what will happen 5 minutes from now, let alone the next day. If a person wants something bad enough, they’ll do whatever they feel is necessary to get it done, even if it means violating the law, or violating the rights of another person.

There are already plenty of mental health services available all over the country. Part of the issue there is staff within some of these places, and patient compliance. There are people in this world that don’t know what to ask when discussing their treatment, so they just say nothing. Not saying anything can be dangerous though, so for the love of God please educate your patients! Answer their questions if they have them, and point them to whatever resources you can think of. I honestly think that if the medical community at least tried to appear like they care more, that would solve a lot of patient compliance issues. People don’t do things for others simply because they want to anymore, they do it for a fucking paycheck. You can’t just throw pills at a person and expect the meds to solve all of their problems. They work best when used in conjunction with therapy. However, medicine is a practice and the public needs to understand that medical professionals of all types are people too. No one individual knows everything, no one individual can solve all the problems of the world, and no one individual is by any means a super hero. No treatment of any kind will work instantly, because things take time.

As a society, we’ve become extremely narcissistic, lazy, and about as impatient as people can get. We want, want, and want some more; and don’t care what happens to everyone else as long we have those things we think we need for some reason. Before we begin to fix anything, we need to take a look at ourselves. There’s not a damn thing wrong with the government, the issue is the people.

In short, we all need to start giving a fuck. Even it’s something small, do something nice for someone. That one small thing could make a big difference.

*I’ll eventually be expanding opinions more, when I have time to do some more research. I’m a person who believes in the second amendment. There’s a legal gun in my house, and it’s staying here. At some point in the future, there will be more legal guns in my house, and I intend to keep every one of them.

There’s a lot coming up. I have yet to form an official opinion about the current state of things, but its coming.

Today was like every other day, in that it had its ups and downs.

Up – got some stuff done this morning, played pharmacology baseball (awesome study tool by the way), had a great lunch and did some zumba for the first time ever. Had a lot of fun.

Down – I almost walked out of my EMT class. My instructor asked me if I needed to go snoke a cigarette for fuck’s sake.
Before we got started, people were chit chatting and ranting a bit. Someone suggested that people boycot welfare. Every person that gets government help in any form is apparently lazy as they can be. They all don’t want to do shit with themselves but sit and collect free stuff.

This brings me back to my whole people need to educate themselves thing. If everyone only knew what life on welfare was like, and what you go through to get help and keep it, I believe they’d change their minds on a few things.

Take it from someone who has been there. It’s not easy, free, or anything of the sort. Research the rules for your state…. I’m in Indiana if you’d like to look up mine.

Yes, there are peolple that lie, cheat and abuse the system. We don’t have enough manpower to catch everyone doing it. I wish we did. I’m all for requiring drug testing to get welfare, and don’t understand why more states aren’t doing it.

I’m still having a hard time believing I got that offended. It doesn’t happen often. On a lighter note, I’m going to finish watching this comedy special. Rodney Carrington is hillarious.

I don’t remember exactly who said it, but the following has stuck with me since 18. Stay educated and ask questions!!! Seems simple enough. Why people choose to be blinded by different things; therefore making decisions for the wrong reasons; I’ll never know.

Conflict will always exist. Someone will always disagree with something, and so the cycle continues. So I urge you: know not only how you feel, but why you feel that way. If you’re going to get behind something, educate yourself on it. Know all angles, and don’t turn into the very thing most say they hate….

I may be asking too much here, but why can’t we all just be civil? My state’s new governor says we should all put politics aside and work together for a change. That man is republican.

The end.